BANF Community
New York, U.S.A.
by BANF Team
Artist (New York, U.S.A.)
"Artists are intuitive and passionate about expressing how they are feeling about the world. Art is communication; it allows people from different cultures to communicate with each other via stories, images and sounds, and this creates a community."
Read more →California, U.S.A.
by BANF Team
Senior Video Producer - San Francisco Symphony (California, U.S.A.)
"Art gives us a means to express the contents of our hearts and souls. When I see my feelings and experiences reflected in the work of another it reminds me that I'm not alone, that while our circumstances may be different we are all the same inside."
Read more →Vancouver, Canada
by BANF Team
Filmmaker (Vancouver, Canada)
"Art connects people because art is life! Art is able to express ones inner thoughts and reflect back to us our humanity: the good, the bad, and the inspiring. Especially now, during this world wide pandemic lockdown, people are turning more than ever to all art forms to find deep connection and meaning in their lives and realizing that they are not just a cog in the economic machine."
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